


1 State administration for taxation *税务总局
2 Local taxation bureau 地方税务局
3 Business tax 营业税
4 Individual income tax 个人所得税
5 Income tax for enterprises 企业所得说
6 Tax returns filing 纳税申报
7 Taxes payable 应交税金
8 The assessable period for payment 纳税期限
9 The timing of tax liablility arising 纳税义务发生时间
10 Consolidate reporting 合并申报
11 The local competent tax unthority 当地主管税务机关
12 The outbound business activity 外出经营活动
13 Tax inspection report 纳税检查报告
14 Tax avoidance 避税
15 Tax evasion 逃税
16 Tax base 税基
17 Refund after collection 先征后退
18 Withhold and remit tax 代扣代缴
19 Collect and remit tax 代收代缴
20 Income from authors remuneration 稿酬所得
21 Income from remuneration for personal service 劳务报酬所得
22 Income from lease of property 财产租赁所得
23 Income from transfer of property 财产转让所得
24 Contingent income 偶然所得
25 Resident 居民
26 Non-resident 非居民
27 Tax year 纳税年度
28 Temporary trips out of 临时离境
29 Flat rate 比例税率
30 Withholding income tax 预提税
31 Withholding at source 源泉扣缴
32 State treasury 国库
33 Tax preference 税收优惠
34 The first profit-making year *个获利年度
35 Refund of the income tax paid on the reinvested amount 再投资退税
36 Export-oriented enterprise 出口型企业
37 Technologically advanced enterprise 先进技术企业
Paragraph 1
1 Provisional 临时的;暂行的;暂定的
2 Value added tax 增值税,缩写为VAT
3 Engage in 从事于;参加
4 Repairs and replacement services 修理修配劳务
5 Territory 领土;领域;范围
6 Taxpayer 纳税人
7 Account for 对…负有责任;说明…原因
Paragraph 2
1 Output tax 销项税额
2 Input tax 进项税额
3 Consideration 对价
4 Charges 费用
5 Prevail in 盛行
6 Purchasing goods 购进货物
7 Taxable services 应税劳务
Paragraph 3
1 welfare 福利
2 Work-in-process 半成品,通常简写为WIP
3 Small-scale 小规模
4 exempt (形容词)被免除的;被豁免的
5 Levy (名词和动词)征收(税等)
6 Threshold 门槛;临界值;入口
7 Ministry of finance 财政部
8 VAT assessable period 增值税的纳税期限
9 Magnitude 大小;量级
10 Monthly return 每月申报单
Topic 02:provisinal regulations of the people’s republic of china on business tax 营业税
Paragraph 1
1 Provisional 临时的;暂时的;暂定的
2 Business tax 营业税
3 Taxpayer 纳税人
4 Tax item 税目
5 Turnover 营业额
6 Convert into 折合;把…转化成;使转变
Paragraph 2
1 Consideration 对价
2 Other charges 其他费用,在此处上下文中意为“价外费用”
3 Tax exempt 免税的
4 Tax reduced 减税的
5 Proceeds 实收款项;收入,收益
6 Competent
Competent authority
7 Magnitude 大小;量级
8 Transaction-by-transaction 逐笔交易的
Topic 03:individual income tax law of the people’s republic of china 个人所得税
Paragraph 1
1 Individual income tax 个人所得税
2 Wage 工资
3 Salary 薪金
4 Private industrial commercial households 个体工商户
5 Contracting 承包的
6 Remuneration
Authors’ remuneration
7 Royalties 特许权使用费
8 Dividend 股息
9 Bonus 红利
10 Progressive tax rate 累进税率
11 Flat tax rate 比例税率
Paragraph 2
1 Reminder (名词)剩余物;其余的人
2 Occasional income 偶然所得
3 Donate (动词)捐赠;捐献
4 Public welfare 公共福利,社会福利
5 Domicile (名词)住宅;*居住地
6 Territory 领土,领域;范围;地域
7 Withholding agent 扣缴义务人
8 Tax payment declaration 纳税申报
9 Withholding declaration 扣缴申报



2022-7-18 23:12:39



2022-8-11 14:48:57

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